• Project:Complete Web Design
    • Tools: Domain registration, email, logo design, hosting, design, coding, SEO and advertising
    • Description: We've been doing it all for many years; working with standards and conventions to reduce errors and the learning curve. Our goal, to strive for simplicity, content, design, brevity, clarity and even white space. Look around here...
    • Area: Web Stores
    • Tools: E-commerce tools
    • Approach: Because of our experience with many web stores, we recommend the Amazon Store!
      Based on your inventory we will maximize your efficiency and profitability by not only designing your site, but paying attention to inventory, optimizing search terms, customer communications,fulfillment, shipping and advertising.
    • Project: Prevention Magazine (Web App)
    • Client: Rodale
    • Description: When Rodale's Prevention magazine wanted to add more value to their Brainpower series, they chose to have ZLabs create an easily understood image recognition application.